FCW Insider: Bibb to be acting GSA administrator... and Doan makes the White House press briefing
told you earlier
GSA Deputy Administrator David Bibb
White House press briefing today
MS. PERINO: Well, I'm not going to comment on a -- on the resignation. I will confirm, obviously, that she has resigned from GSA. While serving as the administrator she worked very hard to respond effectively during the times of emergency. She also worked to make sure that all of the numerous buildings in the federal government are as energy efficient as possible. And the President is grateful for her service and wishes her the best.
Q Okay. She says she was forced out. Is that true?
MS. PERINO: I'm not going to comment..
Q Okay, one more Lurita Doan. Did the President want her to stay? Would he have supported --
MS. PERINO: I'm not going to comment. She tendered her resignation and it was accepted.
NEXT STORY: Lurita Doan resigns as GSA administrator