FCW Insider: Welcome Sloane Carey to the world

I mentioned that we were all waiting for word on when Navy Department CIO Rob Carey's family was going to expand by one person. Well, I know you will join me in welcoming Sloane Carey to the world. (Carey's away message gave me the hint: "I am out of the office enjoying my new daughter Sloane. I expect to return to the office 28 April.")

Sloane was born early Monday morning, April 21, coming in at 6 lbs., 13 oz. and 20 inches, for those people who like to track these things.

We hear that Rob; his wife, Emily; Sloane; and her two siblings are all doing well.

I know you will join me in congratulating the Carey family... and welcoming Baby Sloane.

FCW's 2008 Fed 100 awards gala

NOTE: Photo was taken by GTSI's Leslie Barry at the Fed 100 awards gala. Rob Carey was one of the 2008 Fed 100 winners.