FCW Insider: What CJD will be seeing at FOSE

The big is coming up this week.Yes, yes, FOSE is owned by the 1105 Government Information Group -- the second year that FOSE will be an 1105 Media show -- but even when the FOSE trade show was owned by WashingtonPost Tech Media, we were there. Why? Because FOSE really is a community experience -- it is the only place where there are 20,000 of our closest friends gather in a single place.So this may sound like a FOSE ad, but... there are several things that I'm really looking forward to seeing and hearing at the Washington Convention Center over the next few days. There have been changes as a result of the joint ownership. I now get to join the FOSE advisory board meetings to get some insights about the planning of the program. And actually I'm quite impressed with what they are trying to do. I think the FOSE team is doing a very good job of trying to get the trade show to evolve with the times -- to ensure it is relevant.One of the big changes this year is that they have added an entire FOSE conference. The FOSE team has worked with the so that feds can earn education credits for attending sessions. More information about the conference can be found . In addition, the 1105 Government Information Group's has paired with DC's to offer a . Mike Causey will be there. The first session had to be moved into a bigger room because so many signed up.So... if you want to stalk me, here is where I will be...* Tuesday... The FOSE team has come up with . (Info on all the keynotes can be found .) It kicks off on Tuesday with , who is vice president and general manager of Google Enterprise. FCW ran a .Scott McNealy, chairman and co-founder of Sun Microsystems and chairman of Sun Microsystems Federal, who will be talking about open source.Tuesday evening, I get to attend the 2008 Azimuth Awards. The Azimuth Awards are presented by the CIO Council and they highlight the lifetime achievement of two individuals in both the public and private sector. , the winners were Glenn Schlarman, the former chief of the Office of Management and Budget's Information Policy and Technology Branch, and Marc Andreesen, chairman of Opsware and co-Founder of Ning, a consumer Internet company, and co-founder of Netscape Communications Corporation. History coming back because I actually covered the presentation. The award went to John A. Koskinen, who was heading up the Y2K efforts, and Milton E. Cooper, president of Computer Science Corp.’s federal-sector division. I actually covered the , when Government Computer News at the time. Then, when I joined FCW, PostNewsweek Tech Media didn't let us come to the awards presentation.* Wednesday... Keynote by NYT technology columnist David Pogue... 9a at the Washington Convention Center. I actually get to do the intro for Pogue. I have seen Pogue speak several times now -- at FCW's CIO Summit last year and most recently at GITEC's IPIC 2008. (If you want to try out some cool technology, read ... My blog post from his ... everything FCW has written is .) As I say, I have seen Pogue several times and each presentation is very unique. And you really have to hear him play his piano on stage -- popular songs with new lyrics that are all tech related. It really has to be heard.Then, after the Pogue keynote, I will be moderating a .In our preparatory conference call, we agreed that nobody will be using PowerPoint slides. We're going to keep it interactive and Web 2.0-ish. So, if you wondered what this is all about, this is your chance to hear it from the people who do it.* Thursday... The keynote speaker is Dr. Steven Squyres, ccientific principal investigator for the Mars Exploration Rovers on Thursday, April 3 starting at 9a. He'll be talking about "The Art of the Possible: Using Technology to Exceed Expectations." I got to see Squyres speak a few years ago at FCW's CIO Summit and he turned me into a Mars Rover groupie. (I have pulled a bunch of Mars rover links together at , including the interview ... and my original . The rovers are nothing short of amazing little robots -- and an amazing government project. The fact is that the rover team simply had to be ready on time or else they missed the window of opportunity to get to Mars. No readjusting the schedule. They are also amazing because they were supposed to tour mars for 90 days. Spirit and Opportunity are now in their fourth year. Squyres will give you whole new insights into how these robots work, what we have learned, and why this stuff matters. Finally, on Thursday, while it isn't associated with FOSE, I will be attending AFFIRM's forum, .

FOSE trade show

USDA Graduate SchoolhereFederal Employee News DigestFederal News RadioFederal Benefits Rodeo at FOSE

an interesting set of keynote presentershereDavid GirouardQ&A with him in February

FCW: What motivates organizations to sign up for Google Apps?
Girouard: First of all, it’s about capability. It’s a set of tools that allows people to work toget her much more productively and quickly, whether they are in the same building or spread around the world, whether they speak the same language or speak different languages.

The raw capabilities of these Web-based tools to allow people to work together as a team is the crux of what’s good. From a Google perspective, it is always about information access.

The whole model of [Internet] cloud computing where the functionality and the data is stored in the cloud and you can access from anywhere - and, by the way, all your colleagues can access from anywhere — really opens up a set of things we’re only beginning to discover.

That, to me, is the big thing, but of course the No. 2 reason is cost. This stuff costs about a tenth of what it costs for the traditional [licensing] model. There’s nothing to install, no data center to worry about, no software on the client to manage.

That is a very powerful solution for organizations that have tight IT budgets. They have a bunch of other problems they need to solve that are specific to their agency.

Following Girouard, FOSE features

Last yearfirst Azimuth Awardsecond annual award too Attorney General Janet Reno and Government Technology Services Inc. chairman Dendy Young were recognized. As you can see, I was working for

this post from the SummitIPIC presentation are herehere

panel on Web 2.0

TRACK 2 - Applying Technology to Transform Government Operations
Session 2-3
Web 2.0 Technologies: Real-World Applications for the Public Sector
10:15AM - 11:15AM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What attendees will learn:
An introduction to Web 2.0, including blogs, Wikis, mashups, podcasts, and other useful resources
How government agencies are applying Web 2.0 technologies, including the FTC, Dept. of Defense, Dept. of State, the Library of Congress, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and NOAA
How Web 2.0 can facilitate communication within public sector organizations
Best practices for sharing content securely with other institutions and available collaboration tools

On the panel, we have
* Don Burke, Intellipedia Doyen, Directorate of Science and Technology, Central Intelligence Agency
* Sean Dennehy, Chief Intellipedia Development, Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
* Sharon Fratta-Hill, PhD, Dean of Information Technology and Distance Education, USDA Graduate School
* John Thompson, Associate Professor, Buffalo State College
* James Till, Chief Marketing Officer, Xythos Software

del.icio.us/cdorobek/marsroverFCW did with him2006 blog post from the Summit

Web 2.0: The Myths, the Realities, the Opportunities

All and all, a busy week. Hope to see you at FOSE.

NEXT STORY: Fostering Innovation