Get a Life!: Public Service Recognition Week

This is Public Service Recognition Week and if you don’t yet feel recognized in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, you can go to the National Mall and join the crowd at more than 100 agency exhibits, through May 4-7.  Other events will be occurring in other states across the county.

Not only is the ATF-K9 team on the Mall with the dogs, but an amazing display of agency musical talent.  Who knew that the Social Security Administration and the Nuclear Regulatory Agency each had a choir?  You can hear them and also the Enviromental Protection Agency jazz band by checking the schedule

But it will be the agency displays of the work that federal employees where most visitors will gather, as they do each year.  There are many ways to recognize federal employees with agency awards and public comments.  Just in case that recognition isn’t always made nor always heard, a special week like Public Service Recognition Week gives a well-deserved pat on the back.