FCW Insider: CSC's Elaine Dauphin -- the mother of the bride


One of the best parts of the Sunday NYT -- and there are many good things, but one of the best things -- is the NYT weddings. They do a remarkable job of pulling together interesting people's stories that end up as mini-biographies of the couple and the family.

This weekend, I got to see a name that I knew in the weddings section -- not the person getting married, but the parents. Elaine Dauphin's daughter, Ashley Henderson, married James O'Dowd IV.

Read more below... Congrats to Ashley, James and the families.

Ashley Henderson, James O’Dowd IV

Published: June 8, 2008

Ashley Nicole Henderson and James Patrick O’Dowd IV were married on Saturday at the Columbia Country Club in Chevy Chase, Md. Sean K. O’Dowd, a brother of the bridegroom, officiated, and Carmen Cook, a friend of the couple, took part in the ceremony. Both became Universal Life ministers for the occasion

The bride, 34, who is keeping her name, has a private psychotherapy practice in Orinda, Calif. She graduated from Middlebury and received a master’s degree in social work from Smith.

She is a daughter of Elaine Dauphin and Thomas H. Henderson Jr., both of Chevy Chase. Her father retired as the chief executive for the Association of Trial Lawyers of America in Washington. Her mother is the vice president for business development at Computer Sciences Corporation, a consulting and information technology company, in Falls Church, Va. The bride is a stepdaughter of Paulette V. Maehara and of Lance Swann.