FCW Insider: GSA Administrator search... part four

So the buzz around a potential new GSA administrator continues. (See previous posts... ... ... ...)So there are many different takes on what might happen. Some of the talk going around:* Timing... It could be sooner rather then later... There is some talk that an announcement could come in days.* Interest from RAs... There are a number of regional administrators who are interested in the job.* There is also talk that a former GSA political appointee who is now at USDA  -- no idea who this could be -- was in contention for the job.* There continues to be talk about a career person taking the post, and the name we keep hearing is Jim Williams, . A special note here about my earlier post about Williams where I said:


commissioner of GSA's Federal Acquisition Service

I can't imagine that this White House would name Williams, who is a career fed. After all, the White House and former GSA Administrator Lurita Doan were at odds about naming political appointments to two GSA posts: general counsel and chief acquisition officer. So is it likely that they would then name a career person to lead the agency, given that David Bibb, GSA's acting administrator, is well liked and respected, has done the job before, and is unlikely to rock the boat?

So I was talking to somebody this morning who took that as a criticism of Williams. It certainly was not meant to be. And I should have noted that Williams would be great. He is a career fed -- Williams is eligible to retire in 2009, I believe. He has run big organizations -- US-VISIT, for example. My point, which I didn't state all that clearly is that I think this administration would prefer to have a political in the job rather then a career person. After all, David Bibb, GSA's acting administrator, is a career fed who is well liked, well respected, has done the job before, and can keep GSA on an even keel. Williams could too, but... would Williams want the job? Again, I'm speculating out loud, but...

Apparently Tom Ridge, the former DHS secretary, is a huge Williams fan.
I mean -- who isn't? I am too. (Those three words will probably eliminate him from consideration!) Williams is among government's best and brightest. He's such a pro on so many levels and he has been absolutely integral in transforming FAS, which is no small task.

I just don't get why they would rock the boat at this point?

As one GSAer said, why?

More coming in all the time. Tips welcome -- and we'll keep everybody anonymous, of course.