Managing Technology Archive
File In the Worx10/20/09Agencies that don't make the deadline for transition to Networx could face huge cost increases.
IPv6: No Looking Back09/14/09Agencies must upgrade Internet services by 2012.
Unplugged08/03/09Wireless technology can improve insight into an agency's supply chain, if done right.
Twittery Jitters07/02/09Shared approach provides IT tools when they're needed and cuts costs when they're not.
America's Got Talent06/02/09Integrated hiring systems make it easier to tap the best job candidates.
Open To Change05/07/09Shifting from proprietary software gives agencies latitude to customize IT systems.
Unlocking Ideas04/03/09Informed agencies use social media to brainstorm without exposing secrets.
Protecting Our Ports03/09/09Data devices that plug into computers make many jobs easier, but they can expose networks to attacks.
Reaching for the Clouds02/05/09Shared approach provides IT tools when they're needed and cuts costs when they're not.
Down to the Wire01/05/09Help your agency avoid pitfalls when switching to the Networx telecom contract.
Melding Security12/01/08With computers now controlling critical assets, it's more important than ever for cyber and physical security managers to work together.
The Search Is On11/01/08A new generation of business intelligence applications could provide agencies with deeper insights.
Dialogue for Data Sharing09/30/08Information sharing can help agencies coordinate strategy, but only if departments relinquish ownership of data.
Keeping Track09/01/08Radio frequency technology takes off in the federal world of supply and demand.
Complex risks call for well-managed IT solutions08/14/08Information technology can help agencies meet their most important mission - protecting the public.
Rough and Tumble07/10/08Rugged computers would be more popular if makers would update them.
Forget Something?06/19/08Offering security training isn't enough to curtail breaches - employees must follow through.
Use a Safety Net05/01/08Telework and network access are critical to continuity of operations, IT officials say.
Fostering Innovation04/01/08How federal IT managers can encourage their employees to think outside the box.
Bearer of Bad News03/01/08When you lose citizens' personal information, there's a right way and a wrong way to manage it.
NEXT STORY: Climate change computer models are limited