Rising Star: Alex Turell

Turell gets credit for automating an entire operation.

Alex Turell gets credit for automating an entire operation. As chief enterprise architect of the Agriculture Department’s Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Turell has spent the past three years developing an enterprise architecture approach for CSREES, which has led to faster and more accurate work, said Zhenia Klevitsky, senior director of corporate development at SE Solutions. He also led efforts to create online databases, modernized the technologies CSREES uses to communicate with 4-H clubs nationwide and expanded support for grants management.Turell’s work, done as part of the CSREES One Solution Team, will bring a return on investment of 89 percent and make it easier to support the President’s Management Agenda and similar initiatives. “Turell’s contributions have been nothing short of outstanding,” Klevitsky wrote.

NEXT STORY: Rising Star: Dennis Papula