FCW Insider: Do agencies need Web 2.0 guidance?

We received an interesting letter this morning regarding our story on the uncertain fate of the 2007 E-Government Reauthorization Act. The reader, who works for a civilian agency, suggests revising the E-Gov Act to provide agencies with guidance on Web 2.0 technology.

"We are living in a policy vacuum," the reader writes. "There are no solid policies or guidelines available for the use of these technologies. Plus, the technologies are moving so fast that once a policy is implemented, it is null and void. We need to find a better way to address and balance the security and privacy aspects with providing transparency in government and the ability to use the best tool for the job."

The reader points out that the government's existing Internet policies — presumably including those established by the E-Gov Act — were largely developed in the 1990s.

The E-Gov Act should address that deficiency — and perhaps even provide a "federal government social strategy."

Read the full letter and let us know what you think.