FCW Insider: An obituary worth noting

The Washington Post recently noted the passing of James W. Benson, founder of Compusearch.

Benson and his wife, Susan, started the company in 1984 to develop software that creates "full-text indexes of government procurement regulations, which could also be searched," the Post article states.

That technology has been overtaken by events (the Web and control-F), but the company continues on, developing systems for managing contracts and electronic procurements (read an overview from the company's Web site).

Compusearch, though, was just one of Benson's ventures. After leaving the IT business, he founded SpaceDev, which helped build the engine that powered the first privately-built manned spaceship.

He first made his mark in Washington, D.C., during the 1970s with his work on solar energy technology, eventually serving in the Carter administration's Energy Research Development Administration.

I highly recommend reading the complete obituary.