FCW Insider: Feds get the hang of Twitter

A recent post at the Silicon Alley Insider praises federal agencies for their use of Twitter.

"We never thought we'd say this either," Eric Krangel wrote. "But some of the best and most innovative new media experiments going on right now on the Internet are coming from the U.S. federal government."

Krangel provides links to his favorite federal Twitter feeds (from State, FDA and NASA, among others) and invites readers to compare them to the "mixed bag" coming out of the private sector.

(Of course, no one is permitted to compliment the federal government without adding a zinger. Government Twitter feeds, Krangel wrote, are "certainly easier to read than most .gov Web sites.")

The article ("The U.S. government catches the twitter bug and, amazingly, does it well") definitely qualifies as recommended reading.