Get a Life!:Transition starts next week

Hard to believe that the presidential election will finally be held next week. Then the transition to a new administration will officially begin. Advice to prospective new leadership is heating up just as the campaign ads cool off.   

A subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a hearing a month ago on preparing for the Presidential transition.  Several major players gave advice including Office of Management and Budget Deputy Director Clay Johnson. 

The Government Accountability Office has issued a report to assist the transition by identifying critical national issues. 

The Partnership for Public Service issued its “Roadmap to Reform” a week ago. It called upon the next president to focus on attracting and retaining top talent, engaging employees in their jobs and organizations through effective performance management and training, and improving management skills of both political and career leaders.

The IBM Center for the Business of Government has a blog on transition and a series of memos called “The Operator’s Manual for the New Administration.” The memos by several retired senior executive feds who have been there, done that, describe how to get things done in Washington. 

All of that is a beginning. Lots of advice will continue to come forth for those who will head to Washington. Less has been written and talked about to aid those already here, in government and serving government as contractors. Regardless of this election’s outcome, there will certainly be a lot of change. Are you ready? How about some advice on how to deal with new leaders and how to adapt to the changes they bring? 

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