Schlosser leaves HUD for IT job at EPA

Lisa Schlosser has been chief information officer at the Housing and Urban Development Department since 2005.

Lisa Schlosser, chief information officer at the Housing and Urban Development Department, is leaving for a position at the Environmental Protection Agency, a department spokeswoman said today.

Schlosser’s last day at HUD is today. She will begin as director of information collection in EPA’s Office of Environmental Information Dec. 22, the spokeswoman said.

The office gathers and manages environmental information and develops innovative policies for accurately collecting that data, according to EPA’s Web site.

Schlosser became HUD’s CIO in February 2005. She has been the key adviser to department leaders on how to best use information technology while making sure HUD takes advantage of current technology solutions.

Schlosser recently finished a yearlong tour of duty as an Army reservist, during which she was deputy chief operations officer of a regional computer emergency readiness team in Southwest Asia.