Work stops again on TSA infrastructure contract

Barely a week after restarting work on its $500 million infrastructure contract, TSA issues a stop-work order to CSC.

The Transportation Security Administration has halted work for the second time on its $500 million infrastructure contract.

The Information Technology Infrastructure Program has been mired in bid protests since it was awarded in September to Computer Sciences Corp.

CSC began work on the contract immediately but when losing bidders Unisys Corp., the incumbent, and General Dynamics Corp. filed protests with the Government Accountability Office work was halted.

Work was restarted Nov. 10 when TSA said GAO did not have jurisdiction to hear the protest. Instead, the FAA was the proper authority. However, sources tell Washington Technology that work was halted again Nov. 17.

The reasons for the latest stoppage are not clear. TSA officials were not available for comment.

A CSC spokesman said the company received the stop work order from TSA on Nov. 17.  "We are complying. We have been working very effectively to transition prior to yesterday's stop work. We are ready to begin work again when TSA directs."

Officials with Unisys and General Dynamics were not immediately available for comment.

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