Who's in Charge at MHS?

That's a good question, since <a href=http://mhs.osd.mil/bioDetail.aspx?ID=19>Ellen Embry</a>, who has been performing the duties of the assistant secretary of Defense for Health Affairs since Dr. S. Ward Casscells <a href=http://www.nextgov.com/slideshows/casscells-slideshow.php>resigned</a> in April 2009, announced at the kick off of the Military Health System Conference on Monday that she too plans to retire. Folks in the know tell me she will leave in a matter of days.

That's a good question, since Ellen Embrey, who has been performing the duties of the assistant secretary of Defense for Health Affairs since Dr. S. Ward Casscells resigned in April 2009, announced at the kick off of the Military Health System Conference on Monday that she too plans to retire. Folks in the know tell me she will leave in a matter of days.

Based on the MHS' organizational chart, this puts Allen Middleton, acting principal deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, temporarily in charge of an outfit that deals daily with the casualties of two wars.

I'm told that the leadership at the Defense Department has tried in vain for much of the past year to land a candidate for its top doc slot, but has so far failed to find anyone who wants a job that includes lots of face time with congressional committees.

This sure seems like a high priority slot to fill, and I'd be happy to forward resumes.