VA's $6.6 Billion Man

President Obama has proposed a $3.3 billion information technology budget for the Veterans Affairs Department in fiscal 2011, the same as the record VA IT budget in fiscal 2010. This must make Roger Baker, the department's chief information officer, the most sought after <a href=>canasta partner</a> in all of Washington.

Updated 11:44 on Feb. 2

President Obama has proposed a $3.3 billion information technology budget for the Veterans Affairs Department in fiscal 2011, the same as the record VA IT budget in fiscal 2010. This must make Roger Baker, the department's chief information officer, the most sought after canasta partner in all of Washington.

See "Oops, Missed VA Approps Bill."

Not to be cranky, but when, I wonder, will Congress get around to passing the 2010 VA bill. The House passed its version of the bill in July 2009 and the Senate in November 2009, but, as of yet, a final version has not made it out of a conference.

Maybe Congress plans to do the 2010 and 2011 bills together in the name of efficiency.