Federal 100: Dr. Dixie Baker

Dr. Dixie Baker
Chief Technology Officer, Health Solutions
Science Applications International Corp.

Baker has been active in advancing health care policy, technology and innovation. Most recently, she prepared a strategic information technology plan for the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Research Resources that deals with the needs of the center’s 46 medical research institutions nationwide. In addition to identifying the center's IT goals, the plan outlined the collaborative and communication systems that can help it achieve those goals.

Baker’s strategic plan for the center drew on market research and stakeholder surveys. “Her pragmatic, get-it-done, real-world approach complemented the scientific method,” said Jim Blagaich, director of the center's Office of Information Technologies. “The plan has already provided value in facilitating program goals through the application of information technology.”

Baker also serves on the Health and Human Services Department’s Health IT Standards Committee, one of two advisory panels created to help distribute $20 billion for electronic health records and health information exchange.

Read more about the 2010 Federal 100 award winners.