Federal 100: Earl Warrington

Earl Warrington
Office of Business Management
General Services Administration

Warrington manages a multidisciplinary office at GSA that spans acquisition, administration, human resources, facilities, budgets, finance and capital planning. He put those skills to use in managing the development and implementation of Recovery.gov, a Web site that tracks and publicly shares the government’s spending under the economic stimulus law.

Warrington assembled project teams for designing, developing, implementing and operating the Recovery.gov effort in record time.

“Earl Warrington worked tirelessly and provided matchless leadership in managing program office functions and in coordinating recovery efforts across the government,” said Earl Devaney, chairman of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, which oversees Recovery.gov. “Earl’s knowledge of the federal acquisition process and his ability to achieve results [were] truly remarkable.”

Read more about the 2010 Federal 100 award winners.