Federal 100: Guy Martin

Guy Martin
Open-Source Community Manager, Forge.mil

Martin facilitates collaboration among software developers, engineers and users to encourage the production of open-source software. His ideas led the Defense Information Systems Agency to create a cloud-style software development environment, called Forge.mil. In doing so, Martin has triggered a cultural change at the Defense Department.

Martin manages the spectrum of Forge.mil’s needs, including top-level strategies and governance, fielding user requests and outlining operating procedures.

“As a result of his outreach efforts to the Forge.mil community, Guy has brought the best practices of agile and collaborative software development to DISA and has changed the way DOD thinks about developing and implementing its systems,” said Dave Mihelcic, DISA's chief technology officer. "DOD is truly undergoing a cultural shift because of Guy’s outreach."

Read more about the 2010 Federal 100 award winners.