Celebrities come out for USO awards dinner

Washington Technology editor Nick Wakeman rubbed elbows with a variety of celebrities that turned out for the annual awards dinner of the Metropolitan USO chapter.

Actor Kevin Bacon and his musican brother Michael were the headliners at the 28th annual awards dinner of the USO of Metropolitan Washington. The duo, who front the Bacon Brothers Band, received the USO Merit Award for their visits with wounded soldiers, sailors and marines at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

They weren't the only celebrities that turned out that night. Montel Williams, Miss America Caressa Cameron, NFL hall of famer Anthony Munoz and Mick Foley and Sgt. Slaughter of professional wrestling fame also were attendance. Jon Stewart of the Daily Show made a videotaped appearance to introduce USO Metro President Elaine Rogers. He joked about "Rogers' Rules of Engagement." "If Elaine asks you do something, you do it," he said. "And if Elaine is talking, you don't."

There also were the decidely D.C.-centric stars in attendance such as Admiral Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and vice chair, Gen. James Cartwright. Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs and current National Security Advisor James Jones also was part of the program.

But the real stars were the honorees from Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard, who were recognized in a "Special Salute to Our Nation's Heroes" segment.

Receiving standing ovations were:

  • Master Sgt. Robert Sutherland of the National Guard
  • First Lt. Mark Wise of the Army
  • Cpl. Jeremy Stengle of the Marince Corps
  • Petty Officer David Brown of the Navy
  • Staff Sgt. David Flowers of the Air Force
  • Aviation Survial Technician Justin Munk of the Coast Guard

Col. Gordon Roberts, commander of the Medical Center Brigade at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, recieved the John Gioia Patriot Award. Roberts is the youngest living recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, which he received when serving during the Vietnam War.


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