Higher Pay for Cyber Pros

There's going to be sizeable growth in resources and investment in one of the technology sector's hottest job fields: cybersecurity. The latest edition of the <a href="http://phx.corporate-ir.net/External.File?item=UGFyZW50SUQ9Mzc2MzQwfENoaWxkSUQ9Mzc0OTEyfFR5cGU9MQ==&t=1">Dice Report</a> notes that professionals with "cyber" on their resume can command a 20 percent salary premium, particularly as the public and private sectors are looking to beef up their security talent pipelines.

There's going to be sizeable growth in resources and investment in one of the technology sector's hottest job fields: cybersecurity. The latest edition of the Dice Report notes that professionals with "cyber" on their resume can command a 20 percent salary premium, particularly as the public and private sectors look to beef up their security talent pipelines.

Efforts to improve cybersecurity have been hampered by a lack of experienced talent, however, and those interested in entering the field must become well-versed in the issue, particularly by obtaining certifications like the Certified Information Systems Security Professional credential. "But at the end of the day, the pipeline of talent is still being filled with the first generation of technology professionals who have the option to make full careers of cybersecurity," the report says.

Meanwhile, the top locations for technology job openings as of April 1 are the New York/New Jersey areas, Washington, D.C., Silicon Valley and Chicago, according to the report. The number of available tech jobs posted on Dice was 62,067, a small increase over last month's 58,229 available jobs.