Soundbytes: DISA, Google and the Henhouse

A weekly roundup of comments from All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.

A weekly roundup of comments from All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.

On Administrator calls collaboration key to FAA's NextGen

NextGen, like many other FAA initiatives, is destined for failure unless Administrator Babbit can undo Russ Chew's re-organization of the ATO. . . . Bring back some semblence of the old organizational alignment to facilitate harmonization and expedite intra-agency coordination. Read more from billhammett

On DISA launches huge integrated technology contract

Why would DISA go out with an RFI. There are a number of existing IDIQs across the government that would meet the needs described in the article. What a waste of time, effort and money at a time when the President is trying to reduce the cost of governmetn contracting. From Shep Claremont

On Google's new document sharing app a security risk, experts say

Anything run through Google's general services is a security risk and their spokesperson statement is really weak. Forget the transfer transaction exposure, remember they keep archives of *everything* run through their servers. From greglynn

On Census takes a walk on the cloud

I sent the census form in the day after I got. Yesterday I received another one! This seems to be a massive waste in taxpayer money in paper, postage, and manpower. There should be a way to use barcoding to determine who sent them back, and then flag those returned so we don't waste money on another mailing. If the census is so tough to streamline, do we really want to trust the government with our healthcare? From amsams

It would be great if one had received the Census form....I'm still waiting. From SuzieQ46

On Most Dangerous Attacks--Day 1

Cyber is fitting word for my comments because cyber has not been accurately defined and remains sort of a buzz word. So, has the concept of attacks in the cyber world. Read more from Stephen Taylor

On Grading Executive Transparency

One of the most secretive and abused practices in VA is the hiring practices. Cronyism and Nepotism flourishes as a result of the lack of accountability...Please have outside groups hold the VA accountable. The fox is watching the hen house. Read more from VA Employee in Southern California

On Touched By History

My father was in the Death March and spent the remainder of the war in a Japanese prison camp. Fortunately, he came home and married my Mom and had my brother and I. My brother's two children did the Death March Marathon this year...first time but not the last. They both said how touching it was. I really enjoyed your article and hope to take part next year. Thank you. From Patty Schenk

NEXT STORY: OPM Releases OpenGov Plan