Soundbytes: Hiring, Spying, Twitter and Beer

A weekly roundup of comments from All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.

A weekly roundup of comments from All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.

On Google's new document sharing app a security risk, experts say

Contractors? We think we should be far more concerned about government employees who often do not understand records management, privacy, security risks, and control procedures. From Saul Bellow

On Study: Much of cloud's savings would come from IT job losses

Nonsense. Government IT employees are not fungible "machine parts" that can be redeployed easily to "customer service" or piloting the Shuttle. And, real savings are only to beachieved through cutting its most expensive resource, personnel. From OleProf

On GSA's quest for free contest app may be fruitless, some say

Incredible. The PEC, the forerunner of the CAOC develped a vision for an end ot end system for acquisition. The ACE agreeed to defeine the architecture for such a system and put it in the FAR. How does this fit into that concept and why is McClure running this? Can't they get their act together and get this right? From Shep Claremont

On Is Competitive Hiring Too Complex?

No, the govt's competitive process is not complex but in the hands of the wrong persons in the right (HR) positions can make things very laborsome, repetitive, complicated, time consuming and costly. Read more from FedHRXpert

On NSA on the Flash-Media Hunt

I stopped doing anything but work on any and all government IT equipment. No surfing, no email, nothing unless it is work related. Instead, I have my own equipment to do personal stuff on, and with a broadband USB, I can surf, email and chat without worry of censorship or monitoring. Read more from cmorfair

It makes sense that they have it. Spying and all that are just half of their responsibilities. Their agency also houses the main go-to computer and internet security offices of the US. Google is actually current seeking their help with some security issues, but is hesitant because they are afraid that the public will become skeptical of using their products like Google. From Jake

On Air Force Worried About Gut Illness

Deployment in the Air Force = max per diem and total quality of life. No muck, no ruck, no suck. The Air Force on deployments brings along their supply of cold frosties. Read more from Phil Lindley

On Your Tweets, Archived for Eternity

With all the ways Big Brother can keep tabs on people, this one might get people to actually start talking to one another again. I mean actual face to face conversations instead of putting something out through some kind of media or phone line that can be "archived for eternity". From FedEmployee

NEXT STORY: What Meaningful Use Can Do