Debate on 2011 Pay Raise Kicks Off

The debate over the 2011 federal pay raise has begun, and if President Obama makes good on his promise to ensure pay parity between federal civilians and military personnel, federal workers could see a raise of 1.9 percent next year.

The debate over the 2011 federal pay raise has begun, and if President Obama makes good on his promise to ensure pay parity between federal civilians and military personnel, federal workers could see a raise of 1.9 percent next year.

The House Armed Services Personnel Subcommittee on Wednesday quickly approved its portion of the fiscal 2011 defense authorization bill, which includes a 1.9 percent pay raise for the military. In December, the Obama administration promised to ensure pay parity between military members and federal civilians, and in February proposed a 1.4 percent pay raise for both groups. The 1.4 percent figure is based on the change in the Labor Department's Employment Cost Index from September 2008 to September 2009.

Subcommittee Chairwoman Susan Davis, D-Calif., said during the markup of the bill that the half-percent increase over Obama's request is necessary to further reduce the gap between military and private sector pay.

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