Soundbytes: Terminator, Paper Dragons and Sheep Dogs

A weekly roundup of comments from All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.

On Social media both unites and divides federal workforce

Can anyone give me an example of "a real business use" for Twitter or Facebook? I confess I don't use any social media tools, but I cannot imagine how to use Twitter, or Facebook, for business purposes. From Baffled

It is very sad. If what I have seen around me are the "flowers" of our nation - our FUTURE - then the world no longer need worry about competition from America. Read more from Steve

I'm not sure that a telephone call or cup or coffee always helps to accomplish more. Many people are less direct and forthright when sitting face to face with someone. Read more from Adam

On Cybersecurity bill would penalize agencies for noncompliance

Wow just another Paper Dragon. When will the individuals in control realize that these paper exercises have little to do with real security i.e. 'watching the glass'. Read more from ryan

On Institute uses ink-jet cartridges to 'print' skin for wounded soldiers

Next development will be creation of blood vessles via printing, then muscle cells, and once someone has created a robotic skeleton that could sustain and support this biomedical priinted structure, and there you haver it! The perfect Terminator!! From Bill

On Gates Channels Ike on Spending

SInce when does the "system" incentivize saving or doing more with less? It talks a lot about it but when push comes to shove it is more more more. Read more from Ray Chalupsky

On Transparency in Hiring Reform?

Without specific and standardized metrics it will be business as usual - more of the same...To make matters worse, these differing personnel practices can also be found within the same agency! Read more from FedHRXpert

On Four senators introduce bill to create online database of earmarks

So...we can SEE how our money is being spent, but still can't do anything to STOP this waste. Great. From Diane

Diane: Give me a break! Knowledge is power. What you do with it is up to you. Put another way: you get the government you deserve. This IS a good first step. From Lynne

On Proposal would expand contractor performance database

Kinda like the wolf showing up for a job at the farm stating that it's a sheep dog! Proactive... check him at the gate. Reactive... dead sheep, but sheep dogs aren't supposed to kill sheep! Read more from Tom

Kinda like exposing individuals who sign off on contracts to personal, criminal liability. We have the Audit Agencies, the FBI, and who knows how many other cops already on the payroll. Why pay for more. Read more from z0rr0

I'm not sure that a telephone call or cup or coffee always helps to accomplish more. Many people are less direct and forthright when sitting face to face with someone. Read more from Adam

NEXT STORY: The iPhone App Doc