Navy CIO assuming new cyber role

Rob Carey takes on the new post as director of strategy and policy at Navy Fleet Cyber Command, working directly under Commander Vice Adm. Bernard McCullough.

Robert Carey, who recently announced he would soon step down as the Navy’s chief information officer, has accepted a position with the Navy Fleet Cyber Command/10th Fleet.

Carey will become director of strategy and policy and work under 10th Fleet Commander Vice Adm. Bernard McCullough. The Navy Fleet Cyber Command was launched earlier this year.

“I am remaining in the Navy IT/Cyber enterprise. ... I have accepted a position at U.S. 10th Fleet / FLEETCYBERCOM and will be working strategy and policy issues to get us moving toward proper cybersecurity as well as access to information. This operational exposure should allow me to see a very unique component of the enterprise,” Carey said in an e-mail to 1105 Government Information Group publications, which include Government Computer News, Federal Computer Week, Washington Technology and Defense Systems.

Carey has been a proponent of the development of technology in government, as well as military cyberstrategy. He was the first government CIO blogger, and he’s been part of a team of military CIOs playing a critical role in the establishment of a formal military cyber defense in the U.S. Cyber Command and the four services’ individual cyber components supporting it.

Carey has not said when he will start the new position or where it will be located, but the Navy Fleet Cyber Command is headquartered alongside the National Security Agency at Fort Meade, Md.

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