Soundbytes: E2, Camo and Kevin Costner

A weekly roundup of comments from All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.

A weekly roundup of comments from All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.

On Defense unable to track deployed troops' use of psychiatric drugs

I thought only the drug pimp didn't record dispensing pills...oh, the military does that too. Read more from Cg

On Senate: Everyone Wear Same Camo

There is no reason on this earth for a shipboard sailor to wear camo. Unless of course they are an Army/Marine wannabe. Read more from Skip Jansen

Alas, the CO can't hide from anybody, but since he can't find anyone except the people on watch on the bridge, his life will be quieter. Read more from GerryD

On GSA inspector dings e-travel system for high costs and poor design

E-travel system is a nighmare, a train wreck that happened - no survivors, a big step back, tedious, if my life depended on this E-travel-system - I'd be speaking to you from my grave; Read more from Hawkster

Life is not that rigid and people's plans and schedules shift all the time. The govt is nickeled and dimed by E2 in order to maintain even a smidgeon of flexibility. Read more from concerned fed

The E2 travel system is another example of the government not considering that the time of its employees is worth money. Read more from Karen

Maybe you see Govt travel as a perk to be bent and twisted to how it suits you. If so, you have plenty of company in many agencies. Read more from Centaurbn

On Actor Kevin Costner promotes oil clean up tech on the Hill

But I'm not going to take the work of an actor with a major stake in the company's word for it. Read more from CBP Guy

Why isn't Obama taking every action neccesary to stop this catastrophy. We invest millions of dollars in DARPA to research banal projects like bee pollen production, but we can't invest in this emergency common sense issue. Read more from TIprice3

Why isn't the Feds taking advantage of all the offers they have received from private citizens like Kevin Costner. It is almost like they don't want this mess cleaned up. Read more from Barbra L Bronsberg