Are qualified feds being denied teleworking opportunities?

The Office of Personnel Management has made it a point to voice strong support for telework. And Congress is working on passing legislation that will make it easier to do.

The Office of Personnel Management has made it a point to voice strong support for telework. And Congress is working on passing legislation that will make it easier to do.

But according to the results of OPM’s 2010 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, released this week, a sizeable share of feds who have the kinds of jobs that would accommodate telework say they are not allowed to do it.

According to governmentwide unweighted results collected from almost a quarter million respondents, 23.7 percent of the feds surveyed indicated that “I do not telework because I am not allowed to, even though I have the kind of job where I can telework.”

That seems like a lot.

Of course, a lot of people may give an answer like that to question that is phrased: “Please select the response below that BEST describes your teleworking situation.”

But how many of those folks actually have requested to telework and been denied?

We’d appreciate any insights …

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