Bill Invests in Cyber Jobs

A Senate panel on Thursday passed legislation that would expand grants to students who pursue cybersecurity careers and create a public-private center for cybersecurity innovation.

A Senate panel last Thursday passed legislation that would expand grants to students who pursue cybersecurity careers and create a public-private center for cybersecurity innovation.

The Senate Appropriations Committee voted to approve the fiscal 2011 Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill (S. 3636), which would provide $10 million to develop a National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The center would establish a gateway for the private sector to forge partnerships and adopt mutually beneficial research and cyber technology tools. The bill also would provide $15 million for NIST to conduct research on emerging cybersecurity technologies and threats.

The legislation also would expand National Science Foundation student grants to create career tracks in cybersecurity. It also would provide $182 million for the FBI to add 723 positions in cybersecurity to its ranks.