Federal job fair in D.C. today!

Today’s the day if you’re a young federal jobseeker in the D.C. area looking for one of those 50,000 jobs the government hopes to fill in the next 12 months

Today’s the day if you’re a young federal jobseeker in the D.C. area looking for one of those 50,000 jobs the government hopes to fill in the next 12 months.

Recruiters from 80 agencies will be at the Federal Government Career and Internship Fair being held today -- Wednesday, July 14 -- at the National Building Museum at 401 F Street, N.W., from 3 pm. to 7 p.m.

You can still get details and register for the event, which is being hosted by the Partnership for Public Service, at www.makingthedifference.org/federaljobs/careerfair.shtml.

Good Luck!

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