Cart before horse …

Some of the comments on the recent “HR, heal thyself” post bring up an interesting point: Ambitious new initiatives (HR or otherwise) sometimes are planned and launched without anyone giving enough thought as to whether staffers have the skills and training to execute those initiatives.

Some of the comments on the recent “HR, heal thyself” post bring up an interesting point: Ambitious new initiatives (HR or otherwise) sometimes are planned and launched without anyone giving enough thought as to whether staffers have the skills and training to execute those initiatives.

We’ll bet there are a lot of feds out there who have experienced the same sort of thing at their agency: That is, being assigned a totally different and new task that they've never been trained to do.

But we’re also wondering whether it’s a phenomenon that spikes shortly after a new crew (Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, etc.) comes in and decides to “reinvent” government.

Any good stories out there?

NEXT STORY: Tweeting Docs