What are your retirement resources?

Even the canniest investors—whether feds investing in the TSP, or private-sector employees tinkering in their 401(k)s—can have a tough time matching or beating an uncooperative market.

Even the canniest investors—whether feds investing in the TSP, or private-sector employees tinkering in their 401(k)s—can have a tough time matching or beating an uncooperative market.

That can be hard on retirement plans.

We’ve heard on this blog that more than a few folks are postponing retirement so they can sock more money into the TSP. Or that they are waiting for their existing TSP investments to recover.

But there also are plenty of people who said they were going to retire anyway.

That also makes us wonder how many feds are relying solely on the usual sources—annuities, TSP withdrawals and Social Security (and find that sufficient)—and how many also have other sources they hope to tap (home equity, IRAs, real estate, etc.).

And do you expect it to see you through to a ripe old age? Or do you plan to work?

NEXT STORY: Too Many Federal Workers?