GovLoop seeks to show 'Government Doesn't Suck'

When political entertainer Jon Stewart hosts his "Rally to Restore Sanity" on the National Mall Saturday, a cadre of federal employees is planning a small event nearby that should add to the chaos: GovLoop's "Government Doesn't Suck" rally.

Responding to reports like this one in the Washington Post that show a widespread negative perception of the government, GovLoop founder Steve Ressler decided the time was right to stage a counterstrike.

Ed O'Keefe, in a blog entry that appeared on GovLoop and the Washington Post, reported that more than 200,000 people have said on Facebook that they plan to attend Stewart's event, providing a potentially very large audience for GovLoop's event.

"Hope to see lots of folks screaming 'Government Doesn't Suck' & 'Government is Awesome,' " Ressler wrote in a comment on O'Keefe's report.

NEXT STORY: Building Excitement at HHS