Takai may yet become DOD CIO

Former deputy Defense CIO Dave Wennergren said that California CIO Teri Takai is very much still in the running for the job.

Teri Takai, the chief information officer of California, could still become Defense Department's CIO despite having had her nomination recently withdrawn, according to Dave Wennergren, former deputy DOD CIO.

DOD is still determining how to implement Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ proposed reorganization plans, including closing the office of the assistant secretary of defense (Network and Information Integration), which houses the CIO position.

Wennergren, who was just named assistant deputy chief management officer in the Office of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, said in an exclusive interview that that's not necessarily the end of the story.

“There’s a lot of public discussion that’s causing some consternation…but the guidance is clear: There will still be a DOD CIO and it will be a strengthened CIO,” Wennergren said. "It’s still our hope that Teri Takai will come be our DOD CIO."

FCW will post more of the interview with Wennergren on Friday.

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