Army Eyes New CIO, But ...

Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Sorenson retired as Army CIO last week, and I'm picking up strong signals that Maj. Gen. Susan Lawrence has emerged as his likely successor.

But, she will have to wait until Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., removes the hold he has on all Pentagon nominations due to his ire over plans by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to close the Norfolk, Va.-based U.S. Joint Forces Command.

Lawrence served as commander of the Army Network Enterprise Technology Command/9th Signal Command, Ft. Huachuca, Ariz., until this September. I'm told she now has one of those "special projects" assignments in the Pentagon until Webb calms down.

Until a new CIO is named, SES-er Mike Krieger, the deputy CIO, will serve as acting CIO, according to spokeswoman Margaret McBride.

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