At least it's over

Well, as expected, the Republicans have taken control of the House. And a number of Republican House members who have been talking tough over the past months about trimming government will be stepping into leadership positions when their party assumes majority status.

Well, as expected, the Republicans have taken control of the House.

And a number of Republican House members who have been talking tough over the past months about trimming government will be stepping into leadership positions when their party assumes majority status.

Of course, a lot of campaign-season tough talk dissipates when the tough-talkers get elected. And without control of the Senate, it will be difficult to translate a lot of that talk into law. Some say the composition of the new Congress may in fact produce a long spell of legislative gridlock.

What effects do you think the new Congress will have on your federal job? Are you optimistic? Pessimistic? Or do you figure you’re in for the same old thing? Time to share.

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