Never a dull moment

Well, it looks like feds are being asked by the White House to share the pain of the private sector with a two-year pay freeze.

Well, it looks like feds are being asked by the White House to share the pain of the private sector with a two-year pay freeze.

Among early reactions, the National Treasury Employees Union says the 1.4 percent raise that had been in discussion is “modest” and reflects numbers out there in the private sector. In panning the decision, the National Association of Active and Retired Federal Employees cites figures that indicate U.S. salaries will increase by an average of 2.91 percent in 2011. And the Federal Managers Association says the freeze will make it nigh on impossible for the government to hire the best job candidates.

The administration says the move would save $2 billon for the rest of FY 2011, and $28 billion over the next five years.

Onlookers are sure to ascribe various motives to the president’s proposal. Some will brand the move as political—that the president is succumbing to popular pressure. Others will say the freeze is necessary and fiscally responsible. Some may say it’s a combination.

What do you think?

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