Senate committee approves Dodaro as GAO head

Nominee Dodaro has worked at the Government Accountability Office for 37 years and would lead GAO as comptroller general.

Gene Dodaro’s nomination to be Comptroller General of the United States will go to the full Senate for consideration after unanimous approval today by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Committee members approved Dodaro’s nomination with a unanimous voice vote.

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“Mr. Dodaro is an exemplary public servant, working for almost 40 years to improve the performance and capacity of our government, and he is a perfect fit for this position,” Committee Chairman Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), said in a statement.

Lieberman and the committee’s ranking member, Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), were members of a 10-member commission charged with recommending a comptroller general to the White House.

Its nominee, Dodaro, has worked for 37 years at the Government Accountability Office, which he would lead as comptroller general. He has been chief operating officer and assistant comptroller general for GAO’s largest unit, the Accountability and Information Management Division. Since March 2008, he has also been acting comptroller general and head of GAO.

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