Vets, it’s time to speak out

As Veterans Day approaches, we might note that a lot of feds who read and use our publications are also vets. If you are one of them, you also follow blogs, or you wouldn’t be here.

As Veterans Day approaches, we might note that a lot of feds who read and use our publications are also vets. If you are one of them, you also follow blogs, or you wouldn’t be here.

So this one is for you—the Department of Veterans Affairs has just launched a blog in time for Veterans Day called VAntage Point.

The blog will be edited by VA’s director of new media, and will include two main features—articles written each day by VA staff, and guest pieces (essentially letters to the editor) submitted by “other stakeholders,” including employees and people like you. Readers can comment on all articles.

VA Secretary Eric Shinseki says that “instead of waiting for veterans to find us, we’re going to seek them out where they already are—which is, increasingly, online.” VA hopes to pull together input from a wide range of people who have a vested interest in the agency, including Post-9/11 GI Bill students, veterans service organization reps, VA medical staff and others.

VA promises that submissions “will be considered for publication based on their rationale and reasoned points—not on how closely their views align with those of the department.”

So—if you fought to defend the right to free speech, it may be your turn now to speak out.

NEXT STORY: Talking Work on Facebook