And a FEW more

We’ve got to hand it Federal Employed Women. The group, a membership organization that works for the advancement of women in government, is doing an enviable job of pushing back against the tide of anti-fed sentiment.

We’ve got to hand it Federal Employed Women. The group, a membership organization that works for the advancement of women in government, is doing an enviable job of pushing back against the tide of anti-fed sentiment.

Last week at this time, we noted that—because of their large numbers—feds themselves have the power to influence how this national debate plays out. In that blog post, we suggested you take a look at FEW’s database of population statistics on federal workers and retirees.

This week we would suggest taking a look at yet another effort from the group, this time a new FEW document called “Federal Workers Keep America Running: Every Hour of the Day.” The publication offers 24 hours of details—in half-hour increments—outlining the critical services federal employees provide to Americans.

It’s a great piece of positive PR, and it addresses one of the key challenges facing those who advocate on behalf of feds: That the critical services feds provide are so integrated into Americans’ daily lives that those services become invisible.

This sort of advocacy provides the kinds of facts and information that can help dispel negative perceptions of federal employees—without adopting the confrontational tone of many of those who criticize the federal workforce.

Take a look. And remember it the next time you want to yell back.

NEXT STORY: VA Inches Toward a New Open VistA