Federal 100: Charles J. De Sanno

Charles J. De Sanno
Executive Director of Enterprise Technology and Infrastructure Engineering
Veterans Affairs Department

Charles De Sanno is not only adept at keeping one of the largest IT enterprises in the world up and running around the clock, but he is also savvy about continually applying strategic changes to make systems more effective.

Last year, he reduced the number of VA data centers from 175 to 87 for substantial cost savings while maintaining an astonishing 99.99 percent availability of the systems hosted at the centers. He also installed new software to give administrators visibility into all 300,000 computers on the VA’s networks, thereby improving the security and reliability of the department's desktop infrastructure.

With a $2 billion annual budget and a 5,000-person staff, De Sanno keeps the computers humming and the cyber bugs out of the VA’s huge health, benefits and cemeteries systems.

Read more about the 2011 Federal 100 award winners.

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