Federal 100: Elizabeth McGrath

Elizabeth McGrath
Deputy Chief Management Officer
Defense Department

Elizabeth McGrath has been on a quest to transform DOD’s antiquated business and IT processes.

McGrath has already removed the department’s personnel security clearance program from the Government Accountability Office’s high-risk list — the first time a high-risk DOD program has been removed from GAO’s list. And her groundbreaking efforts in streamlining the government security clearance process reduced waiting times from an average of 74 days in 2009 to roughly nine days in 2010. McGrath is also pioneering joint electronic health record development between DOD and the Veterans Affairs Department.

“She’s radically changing how IT acquisition is getting done, reshaping and invigorating the DOD/VA partnership, creating an end-to-end process focus for DOD and instilling a results-oriented culture,” said Dave Wennergren, DOD's assistant deputy chief management officer.

Read more about the 2011 Federal 100 award winners.

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