Cut Defense Printing, Save $36 Million

The last time I checked, we've been in the digital era for a decade or two, but the Defense Department still seems to have a Gutenberg complex, with an annual printing bill of $357 million, according to a markup of the 2012 Defense Authorization Bill released today by the House Armed Services Committee's panel on readiness.

The subcommittee said Defense needs to cut back on its print habit, and suggested that eliminating glossy color photos used in the annual budget submission to Congress would be a god place to start. "Utilizing double sided, plain, black and white copies still accomplishes the goal, while achieving considerable savings," the markup said.

The subcommittee also suggested Defense distribute its reports and other stuff electronically -- quite a concept -- and to get everyone's attention, it chopped the Defense-wide printing budget by 10 percent for a savings of $35.7 million a year.

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