Bridget Roddy: A view of the world

Roddy managed the launch of the Virtual Student Foreign Service, a high-profile program that connects American students with State's domestic offices and U.S. missions abroad.

Name: Bridget Roddy

Age: 29

Organization: State Department

Title: Program Manager, Virtual Student Foreign Service

Nominated for: Managing the launch of the Virtual Student Foreign Service, a high-profile program that connects American students with State’s domestic offices and U.S. missions abroad.

First IT mentor: Mavis Beacon, who taught me how to type accurately and quickly.

Latest accomplishment on the job: Institutionalizing the Virtual Student Foreign Service program by significantly increasing the number of virtual intern positions available to U.S. college students and the number of State Department employees participating.

Career highlight: Managing one of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s initiatives.

Your advice for a government IT wannabe: Take that first step, and whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability.

What you enjoy most about working in government IT: The opportunity to work with a diverse group of colleagues and external organizations on innovative and cool projects.

Three favorite job-related bookmarks: Mashable, Facebook, DipNote

Dream non-IT-related job: Chef

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