Jay Huie: Here's how to pull together a plan

Huie spearheaded development of the Energy Department's IT Strategic Roadmap and played an instrumental role in getting input from IT leaders across the department.

Name: Jay Huie

Age: 34

Organization: eGlobalTech

Title: Senior Enterprise Architect

Nominated for: Spearheading development of the Energy Department’s IT Strategic Roadmap and playing an instrumental role in getting input from IT leaders across the department.

First IT mentor: Bryan Foley, one of my managers at IBM, who taught me that I didn't have to have a one-dimensional career — I didn’t have to choose between being only technical or managerial.

Latest accomplishment on the job: Under our contract with DOE, we've initiated a series of summits to showcase how people are using technology to accelerate their missions.

Career highlight: I truly feel as though most of my career has been a highlight! There have certainly been many stressful times, but those moments are important in helping you think about what you want and what you expect of yourself.

Your advice for a government IT wannabe: Take the chance and work for all you're worth. Our country needs passion, creativity and intelligent determination. I think leading the course of federal IT is inspiring and can create an impact on our national priorities.

What you enjoy most about working in government IT: Some people get excited by TV or movie celebrities, but for me, when I'm working with Vivek Kundra or Aneesh Chopra, it's hard not to ask for an autograph.

Three favorite job-related bookmarks: WhiteHouse.gov/OMB/memoranda_default, Google.com/reader, Delicious.com

Dream non-IT-related job: Carpenter. There's something really rewarding about constructing a piece of art or furniture.

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