House panel looks to reform FCC

The House Energy and Commerce Committee on Monday started marking up legislation designed to increase transparency and efficiency at the Federal Communications Commission.

"Given the FCC's role as the federal regulator of the communications and technology sector--one of the largest economic drivers even in this sluggish national economy--it is imperative that the FCC operate in a transparent and accountable manner that encourages job creation, investment, and innovation," Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich., said during the opening-statement portion of the markup.

The proposals include a requirement that the FCC identify whatever market failure its proposed rules are aimed at addressing. Another provision would have the FCC conduct a cost-benefit analysis on regulations that might impose a burden on consumers or industry, but some Democrats said this would be costly and time-consuming to undertake on a regular basis and should only be used for major proceedings.

The markup will continue on Tuesday.

NEXT STORY: Reaction to ICD-10 Delay Is Mixed