OMB only led 11 TechStat reviews in 2011 and 2012

Former United States CIO, Vivek Kundra Isaac Brekken/AP
The number of adapt-or-perish reviews has dropped sharply since 2010.
The number of adapt-or-perish reviews of failing information technology projects led by the Office of Management and Budget decreased significantly during 2011 and 2012, according to documents obtained by FierceGovernment IT.
Former federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra began conducting TechStat reviews in 2010 aimed at getting over budget or past deadline projects back on track -- or killing them entirely if they were beyond saving. OMB has credited TechStat with saving the government $4 billion since that time.
Responsibility for TechStat reviews shifted primarily to agency-level officials in 2011. Federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel has said some reviews still are being conducted at the OMB level. That number is quite small, though -- only five in 2011 and six so far in 2012 -- according to records FierceGovernment obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.
OMB led 31 TechStat reviews between January 2010 and August 2010, according to FierceGovernment’s report.
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