Contractors sent to prison for fraud scheme

The fraudulent bidding involved IT contracts at the Environmental Protection Agency, Homeland Security Department, General Services Administration and Agriculture Department.

The second of at least two co-conspirators has been sentenced for participating in an alleged contracting scheme that created the illusion of competition, Washington Technology reported.
Anthony R. Bilby, 40, of Leesburg, Va., was sentenced to 16 months in prison and two years of supervised probation. He pleaded guilty in December to conspiracy to commit wire fraud, and what the Justice Department described as “major government fraud.”
As part of his plea, Bilby agreed to forfeit nearly $1.1 million -- his alleged proceeds from the conspiracy.
A second man, Thomas S. Flynn, pleaded guilty in October, and has been sentenced to three months. According to court records, Flynn received at least $80,900 as part of the plot.
Neither the Justice Department nor court records are naming the companies Bilby and Flynn worked for. The companies involved are described as IT resellers.
Agencies with contracts targeted in the scheme include the Environmental Protection Agency, Homeland Security Department, the General Services Administration and the Agriculture Department.
For more details, see the story at Washington Technology.