Tell Us How You Feel About Open Data

gualtiero boffi/

Take our DATA Act survey.

Open data doesn’t grab headlines the way data breaches, cyber-security threats or other technologies do, but its importance in government is undoubtedly going to grow significantly in the coming months now that Congress has passed the DATA Act.

The DATA Act – short for Digital Accountability and Transparency Act – clearly mandates the Executive Branch publish U.S. federal spending in open, standardized data sets readily available to the public online.

What’s less clear is how agencies will respond to the mandate, and that’s where you can help.

In partnership with the Government Business Council (the research arm of Government Executive Media Group), Nextgov is conducting quarterly surveys of federal IT professionals to gauge, among other things, how agencies have opened their data and how they plan to adhere to the DATA Act.

We’ve designed the survey to take about three minutes, and to further encourage participation, we’ll offer a small donation to Children’s Inn at NIH -- a nonprofit that provides a place for pediatric patients and their families to stay while undergoing treatments for rare diseases -- for each completed survey.

You can take the survey here.

(Image via gualtiero boffi/