DARPA seeks online news provider

The defense research shop wants to say on top of the latest tech news.


WHAT: The defense tech researcher plans an e-newsletter. 

WHY: Email newsletters aren't dead, despite the proliferation of news apps, social media and other online news products. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which funds research into futuristic weaponry, robotics, biological-machine interfaces and other cutting edge topics wants a daily electronic news product to help keep up with innovations and trends.

The product will cover breaking news in IT, biologics, engineering, cybersecurity, big data, electronic warfare, advanced communications, space system, weapons platforms and other topics on a daily basis for an audience of about 120 DARPA personnel. DARPA's newsletter will have about 35 to 50 stories in each edition, with a headline, link, and summary, will be viewable across a range of online delivery platforms, and contain stories from U.S. and English-language international media.

The vendor will have to provide DARPA with metrics on open rates and clicks, with an eye to making sure the content is resonating with its audience.

Click here for the proposal